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May Strategy Notes

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Dear Valued Client, Equity markets were a mixed bag this month with speculative growth stocks continuing their bear trend while financials marched higher into record highs. There was an attempt…

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December Strategy Notes

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Equities generally edged higher in December as the seasonally strong period of the year prevented a correction of the markets’ overbought condition. Sector rotation was active throughout the month as market participants adjusted positions after a tumultuous year.

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November Strategy Notes

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Equity markets surged in November on positive vaccine news. Cyclical sectors were the biggest gainers while the pandemic stocks corrected sharply. Of note, our most heavily weighted sector, Financials, made spectacular gains. This is exactly the situation we have been waiting for, and our patience is paying off. We are well positioned, and we expect this uptrend to continue.

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October Strategy Notes

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The pandemic remains the biggest concern for the markets as the number of cases continue to sharply increase globally. While this is a major bearish factor for the global economy and equities in general, it is one that is temporary; at any time, a solution on the vaccine front could remove this bearish factor right away. Economies and businesses have begun to adapt to the current situation as well, and there has been and will continue to be fiscal stimulus to combat the negative effects on a global scale.

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