Legal Notice

Not all securities are suitable for every investor. If any of the securities interests you, please feel free to contact your advisor. The comments and opinions expressed herein reflect the personal views of the author. They may differ from the opinions of Leede Financial Inc. and should not be considered representative of the research beliefs, opinions or recommendations of Leede Financial Inc. The information included in this document, including any opinion, is based on various sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness is not guaranteed and Leede Financial Inc. does not assume any liability in providing it. The information provided is current as of the date appearing on the document and Leede Financial Inc. does not assume any obligation to update the information or give a description of further developments relating to the securities or material discussed. It is for information only, is subject to change at any time, and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities referred to. The information presented here and any financial service being offered is directed only at persons who are residents of a Canadian province or territory where Leede Financial Inc. is licensed. Leede Financial Inc. is not permitted to recommend buying, selling or holding securities of any issuer to which it is related, and in the course of a distribution, to which it is connected, unless it makes a complete statement of its relationship, if any. Leede Financial Inc. is not permitted to recommend buying of any secondary market securities of an issuer for whom it is actively engaged as an underwriter of a new issue. Leede Financial Inc., their affiliates, directors, officers, and employees may buy, sell, or hold a position in securities of a company mentioned herein, its affiliates or subsidiaries, and may also perform financial advisory services, investment banking or other services for, or have lending or other credit relationships with the same. Directors, officers or employees of Leede Financial Inc. may serve as directors of any company mentioned herein, its affiliates or subsidiaries. Neither Leede Financial Inc. nor any of its affiliates accepts any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from any use of this content. All performance data represents past performance and is not indicative of future performance. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Investors should consult an advisor before acting on any fee based solution. A fee based solution may not be right for everyone. Your financial situation, risk tolerance and objectives will determine a strategy or strategies that best suit your individual needs. © Leede Financial Inc. 2024. Member CIPF and CIRO.

All insurance products and services purchased though Leede Financial Inc. branch offices and Leede Financial Inc. advisors are placed by Leede Insurance Agency Inc., a subsidiary of the investment dealer Leede Financial Inc. Leede Insurance Agency Inc. and Leede Financial Inc. are separate legal entities that deal in insurance products and securities respectively.